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Sauter Sullivan- "Experience. Integrity. Professionalism."
Promotional Videos
Promotional Videos for Business & Industry - Becoming A Must-Have.
Promotional videos are fast becoming a must-have in your marketing mix. Promotional videos appeal to visual learners of all ages, especially those younger generations of buyers and employees entering or already in the workforce – they grew up making and watching videos, and they’ll click on yours if they’re interested in you, and they’ll notice if you don’t have one.
A Cornerstone of Your Brand Today.
Professional produced promotional videos from Nth Impressions are usually anywhere from 30 seconds to about 4 minutes in length, with a sweet spot at 1 ½ to 2 minutes. Promo videos are a meant to be cornerstone of your brand, designed to showcase your capabilities, products and services, display your corporate and workplace culture, and tell customers and recruits who you are and what you stand for.
Surf our work:
L&R Industries- "Value our performance."