Video Production Overview
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Sauter Sullivan- "Integrity. Experience. Professionalism."
Promotional, Corporate & Recruiting Video Production.
Nth Impressions produces quality promotional, corporate and recruiting videos for business to help them appeal to visual learners, a fast-growing segment of today’s consumer base and workforce. Videos are fast becoming a must-have for your brand identity and market positioning – they’re powerful tools to promote your business’s capabilities and the products and services you offer. Today, they’re also a critical tool for recruiting, giving potential new hires an immersing visual view into the great jobs and positive workplace culture they’ll experience working at your company. Manufacturers are struggling particularly hard to find good people and should strongly consider adding videos to their marketing and recruiting mix.
Videos Serve Different Purposes.
Different types of videos serve different purposes. Nth Impressions will help you explore what types of video production your company could benefit from - or maybe you already know what you’re looking for. Either way, Nth Impressions has the experience and expertise you need to make your company look its very best on video. Our outside eyes will see the cool things you need to promote and help you emphasize your strengths to appeal to your target customers and employee recruits.
- Promotional Videos. Pretty much a gotta-have for marketing and brand promotion today.
- Recruiting Videos. A powerful tool in your recruiting efforts.
- Corporate Videos. Typically for internal uses such as onboarding, training and culture development.
People You Need Watch Videos.
Video is a huge part of branding and marketing today. You simply can’t ignore its importance on your website, social media and other forward facing marketing vehicles, because many of the people you need are video watchers. They’d rather click on a video than read something. Of course, there are visual learners in all generations, but the Millennials (Gen Y, in their mid-20’s to early 40’s) grew up during the dawn of the internet and they’re heavy into visual experiences. Gen-Z'ers in their late teens to mid-20’s are fast becoming a critical part of the workforce, and those early teenagers are coming of age quickly. These generational groups are video watchers, so you need to give them what they want. The fact is, different people absorb information differently, and the audience of video watchers keeps growing.